Certified Thermography Technician
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed Esthetician
Licensed Florida Spa
Breast Thermography

Some of the earliest signs that a breast cancer may be forming.
Angiogenesis, or new blood vessel formation, is necessary to sustain the growth of a tumor. Breast thermography may be the first signal that such a possibility is developing... (read more)
Breast thermography has developed into an important adjunctive tool in the fight against breast cancer. As a safe, comfortable, and sensitive procedure, thermography is used to detect infrared risk markers that may suggest some of the earliest signs of breast cancer... (read more)
Thermography is an imaging procedure that uses no radiation, injections, or other invasive methods.
Infrared risk markers of early stage cancers that are unable to be detected by other methods may be discovered with thermography... (read more)
Once in the office, you will be asked to fill out a breast health history form. The procedure itself begins with a 15-minute temperature acclimation period... (read more)
Baseline thermogram at age 20
20-30 years of age – every 3 years
30 years of age and over – every year
Current statistics indicate that approximately 15% of all breast cancers occur under the age of 45. Consequently, the above guidelines include careful breast monitoring during these years... (read more)
The greatest difference lies in the type of information you get. For example, CT, MRI, and EBT look into the body for structural changes such as tumors. If no tumor is found, does this mean you’re in good health? ... (read more)
Infrared markers may be the first signal that an early stage cancer is developing (3).
Studies show an increase in survival rate when thermography and mammography are used together (3).