Certified Thermography Technician
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed Esthetician
Licensed Florida Spa

1.) American Cancer Society – Breast Cancer Guidelines and Statistics, 2009-2010
2.) Nyirjesy, M.D. et al : Clinical Evaluation, Mammography and Thermography in the Diagnosis of Breast Carcinoma. Thermology, 1986; 1: 170-173.
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5.) P. Haehnel, M.D., M. Gautherie, Ph.D. et al; Long-Term Assessment of Breast Cancer Risk by Thermal Imaging. In: Biomedical Thermology, 1980; 279-301.
6.) P. Gamigami, M.D.; Atlas of Mammography: New Early Signs in Breast Cancer. Blackwell Science, 1996.
7.) P. Ahlgren, M.D., E. Yu, M.D., J. Keyserlingk, M.D.; Is it Time to Reassess the Value of Infrared Breast imaging? Primary Care & Cancer (NCI), 1998; V 18, No. 2.
8.) N. Belliveau, M.D., J. Keyserlingk, M.D. et al ; Infrared Imaging of the Breast: Initial Reappraisal Using High-Resolution Digital Technology in 100 Successive Cases of Stage I and II Breast Cancer. Breast Journal, 1998; V 4, N 4.
Breast Thermography